Health Benefits of Peach

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

* Vitamin A : 880 I.U.
* Vitamin B : Thiamine .02 mg.;
* Riboflavin : .05 mg.;
*Niacin : .9 mg.
*Vitamin C : 8 mg.
*Calcium : 8 mg.
*Iron : .6 mg.
* Phosphorus : 22 mg.
* Potassium : 310 mg.
*Fat : .1 gm.
*Carbohydrates : 12 gm.
* Protein : .5 gm.
*Calories : 46

Health Benefits of Peach :

* Anemia
* Constipation
* High blood pressure
* Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
* Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)
* Acidosis (deficiency of alkalinity in the body)
* Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes)
* Asthma
* Poor digestion
* Bladder and kidney stones.
* Helps improve the health of the skin and adds color to the complexion.
* Helpful in the removal of worms from the intestinal tract.
* May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.